Walking on the Island of La Palma
Just come back from a week long walking holiday to the island of La Palma. We completed 5 of the best hikes the island has to offer and seen some amazing scenery, especially of the volcanic kind.
Walking on the Island of La Palma
Just come back from a week long walking holiday to the island of La Palma. We completed 5 of the best hikes the island has to offer and seen some amazing scenery, especially of the volcanic kind.
Scrambling with my daughter Claire
Yesterday I took my daughter on one of my favourite mountain scrambles that she has always wanted to go on. The north side of the Peñon de la Mata, north of Granada.
What is it like scrambling "Las Campanitas" Ridge in Spain's Sierra Nevada?
Las Campanitas is the ridge between Cerro los Machos and Veleta in the Sierra Nevada. It is a Grade 3 scramble that crosses the peaks of Zacatín, Campanario and Salón eventually reaching Veleta via a route known as "Fidel Fierro".
It had been quite a number of years since I had last walked the ridge between Veleta and the Refugio Elorrietta. It's known as the Tajos de la Virgen ridge and is a rough but easy walk with some sections of very mild scrambling involved.
What to do during a heatwave. Take the dogs for a river walk of course. Super proud of these two, they both remembered how to swim and seemed to really enjoy it
Wet and Windy in the San Juan Valley
A very unseasonal hiking day in Spain's Sierra Nevada which brought welcome relief from the heat of the lower villages
Hard Going on the Tozal del Cartujo ridge
A tough return for me to high mountain scrambling on this mountaineering ascent of the north ridge of Tozal del Cartujo in Spain's Sierra Nevada
Ruta de los Mineros, Sierra de Lujar
For many years I have gazed south to the rather uninspiring lump of the Sierra de Lujar. This small mountain range nearly 2000m high has never inspired me to walk it's seemingly boring wooded hillsides. A day with the Nomads Walking Group there has changed my opinion
Blizzards, snowdrifts, gales, frostbite, snow blindness, buried tents, floods, hardship, cold, sleepless nights. It must be summer then in deepest Patagonia.
Kiersten & the Pendulum - Via Ferrata John Hogbin, Zafarraya
Well, that day was different. A first visit for me to the Via Ferrata paradise that is found at John Hogbin, Zafarraya. Lots of steep ladders (some decidedly more wobbly than others), Tyrolean Traverses, rungs, zip wires and cable bridges to negotiate. All good, clean and exposed fun in the sun!
Skiing with Rita in the Back Garden
A short ski touring video showing you one of the main reasons why I so love it here. Driving uphill on dirt tracks from my house I quickly reach some really beautiful and natural mountain environments. I enjoy a short ski tour with my dog, Rita. As you can see, she's very enthusiastic, bless her!
Lanjarón to Trevelez drive through the Alpujarras
You just might consider this to be the most boring video in the world. Depending on your point of view you may well be correct. But, on my early morning journey to work in Trevelez a while ago I filmed the whole one hour journey through the Alpujarra with my dashcam.
Although I've had dogs that are supposedly "water dogs" such as Labradors and Leonbergers etc, none has really taken to the water. Of course, this is southern Spain so there isn't that much water anywhere, which hasn't helped.
Exploring Andalucia with the Nomads - the first 11 trips
During the onset of the Covid crisis in 2020, I decided to form a small local walking group. The objective was simple, weekly walking & meeting people once lock down restrictions were lifted. I named the group "Alpujarra Nomads". We go all over Andalucia in our search for nature & mountains!
Trips to the wild and windswept Patagonian Icefield
A summary of our expeditions to the Southern Patagonian Icefields
Rocky the Labrador. First dog, faithful friend, never forgotten
Sadly my first ever dog, Rocky, died on Friday 22nd May 2009 after losing a battle with the horrible disease, Leishmaniasis. He was a great dog and faithful companion
Un mulo, dos arrieros, dos perros y tres montañeros
With the humble effort of a mule, 2 drovers and 4 mountaineers. If all who use the refuge care and respect it. Keep it, the lake and the environment clean. Take our garbage and leave the window and door locked when we leave. We will continue to have shelter for many years to come
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