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Las Campanitas ridge to Veleta. Probably not for those suffering from acute vertigo but certainly not as bad as it seems in this video. A superb day out with just the odd dose of adrenaline.
Las Campanitas is the ridge between Cerro los Machos and Veleta in thed Sierra Nevada. It is a Grade 3 scramble that crosses the peaks of Zacatín, Campanario and Salón eventually reaching Veleta via a route known as "Fidel Fierro".
Best approach in summer is via the Veredón Superior and Corral del Veleta. This leads in 1.5 hours to the col between Cerro los Machos and the start up Zacatín.
It is easy going over Zacatín but excitement soars upon reaching the spire of Campanario. It looks difficult and some may require the use of a safety rope here. In actual fact the trick is to be bold and just climb on up. There are plenty of holds and options. It is unbelievably spectacular here! After Campanario some nice easy scrambling takes you to the peak of Salón.
At the col between Salón and Veleta take a horizontal path left for 20m. Above you on the rocks, written in orange is "FF". This signifies the start of "Fidel Fierro" and the route to the summit. It's a steep pitch but not as serious as on Campanario. This leads to a scree ramp, turn right and upwards to the foot of the finishing rocks.
One more steep pitch on good holds leads to an easy leftwards traverse or a harder more direct finish. Either way you arrive on the very summit of Veleta to be greeted by all the other day trippers. A superb scrambling day out!
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