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You just might consider this to be the most boring video in the world. Depending on your point of view you may well be correct.
But, on my early morning journey to work in Trevelez a while ago I filmed the whole one hour journey through the Alpujarra with my dashcam.
It's a beautiful journey, thankfully condensed here to just a viewable 13 minutes. The sun is shining, the Alpujarra hills are gleaming and the road ahead is clear. Don't think I met another car going my way. We passed through the sleepy white villages of Pitres, Portugos and Busquistar and through open hillsides with far reaching views. Across the Mediterranean we could see the hills of Morocco.
In my former life it used to take me 50 minutes through rush hour traffic to reach my office 6 miles away. Usually it was raining as I waited, frustrated in the traffic queues. How life has changed for the better!
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