Kamchatka Part 6 - Last few days in Russia
Trip report from day 6 of our expedition to ski the highest volcanoes in Kamchatka
Kamchatka Part 6 - Last few days in Russia
Trip report from day 6 of our expedition to ski the highest volcanoes in Kamchatka
Kamchatka Part 5 - The escape and a very long bus ride
Trip report from day 5 of our expedition to ski the highest volcanoes in Kamchatka
Kamchatka Part 4 - Deteriorating weather
Trip report from day 4 of our expedition to ski the highest volcanoes in Kamchatka
Kamchatka Part 3 - Waiting for a weather window at base camp
Trip report from day 3 of our expedition to ski the highest volcanoes in Kamchatka
Kamchatka Part 2 - Leaving Klyuchi and emergency camp
Trip report from day 2 of our expedition to ski the highest volcanoes in Kamchatka
Kamchatka Part 1 - Getting there
Trip report from day 1 of our expedition to ski the highest volcanoes in Kamchatka
Surviving Blizzards in Kamchatka
Kiersten and I were packed close together for warmth, huddled in a tent in the middle of the night. Outside the blizzard was raging with air temps -30C and winds of over 100kph. Our hopes of climbing Klyuchevskaya Sopka were dashed. Welcome to Kamchatka
A land far, far away with fire breathing mountains waiting to be skied!
Our expedition to Kamchatka in 2013 to ski Klyutchevskoy Sopka was an unforgettable mountain experience. Hard, tough, weather against us. But we loved it!
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