Scrambling N face Peñon de la Mata
Usual grade 1 scrambling route up the north face followed by circular of mountain
Scrambling N face Peñon de la Mata
Usual grade 1 scrambling route up the north face followed by circular of mountain
Scrambling with my daughter Claire
Yesterday I took my daughter on one of my favourite mountain scrambles that she has always wanted to go on. The north side of the Peñon de la Mata, north of Granada.
What is it like scrambling "Las Campanitas" Ridge in Spain's Sierra Nevada?
Las Campanitas is the ridge between Cerro los Machos and Veleta in the Sierra Nevada. It is a Grade 3 scramble that crosses the peaks of Zacatín, Campanario and Salón eventually reaching Veleta via a route known as "Fidel Fierro".
It had been quite a number of years since I had last walked the ridge between Veleta and the Refugio Elorrietta. It's known as the Tajos de la Virgen ridge and is a rough but easy walk with some sections of very mild scrambling involved.
Las Campanitas Ridge to Veleta
The ridge didn't let our expectations down. It is a magnificent scramble, probably Grade 3 in places. The highlight for me is the spiky pinnacle of Campario which soars like a needle up intto the sky. It is an impressive and intimidating sight.
Hard Going on the Tozal del Cartujo ridge
A tough return for me to high mountain scrambling on this mountaineering ascent of the north ridge of Tozal del Cartujo in Spain's Sierra Nevada
After a recent period of inactivity, due to having a pacemaker fitted, it was good to get back out on the warm limestone rock of the Peñon de la Mata and feel the exposure.
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