Blurred images and lost opportunities

In trying to learn camera techniques to take good landscape images you are bound to have some failures. It's a shame as those failures can sometimes happen in superb mountain settings, resulting in lost opportunities.

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Blurred images and lost opportunities

This photography lark is entertaining and overall I am enjoying the learning experience, but it does get very complex. At the moment I'm up to my eyes in RAW, Blinkies, Zebras, Tone Curves, Highlights and ETTR!. Like a different language. Maybe I should just stick to my mobile?

I have a new 35mm APS-C prime lens (52.5mm FF equivalent) for my Sony A6400. I use this camera on the hills as it's small. light and great quality. I am trying hard to learn all I can about taking a photograph. But it's not all sweetness and light. Last week I came a cropper when most of my action photos from incredibly dramatic shooting scenes came out all disappointingly, blurred. Doh!

I was devastated by my own ineptitude! On Monday evening I had changed camera settings to cope for low light situations. Tuesday morning I forgot to change them back. During the climb I didn't have time, nor was in the situation (holding on for dear life or dangling off a ledge), to check the settings. It was a case of point and press. Consequently most of my best photos were captured at 1/40th of a second, far too slow to capture movement of people. Duh! Most photos have come out blurred.

I'd had just gone from fully Manual to using Aperture with Auto ISO combined with ISO Min Shutter Speed. In theory it should have worked. But it didn't. Should have done more testing before going into a situation with photo opportunities. Onto the next!

This is a case where a mobile or a camera set on automatic would have coped perfectly fine. You live and learn eh? The incredibly dramatic situations we met will just have to stay locked in my head. Or ... we could go back?

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