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The North Face of Mulhacen. Its long been an ambition of mine to view the sunrise from Mulhacen's north face. This morning I got my wish and it didn't disappoint!
Leave the summer crowds heading up Mulhacen behind and instead have a go at the Vasar de Mulhacen which takes an improbable looking horizontal shelf across the seemingly vertical north face of Mulhacén to reach the peak of Puntal de Siete Lagunas. An adrenaline-filled but very straightforward walk to a superb summit with only one short section where the hands need to leave the pockets.
Morning sunlight on Puntal de la Caldera
Edging our way carefully across Mulhacen's north face
Morning light on Veleta and Cerro de los Machos
Route map - click to expand #
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