The Northern 3000m peaks of the Sierra Nevada

An amazing 2 day trek covering the northern 3000m peaks of the Sierra Nevada. Circular walk to camp at Lavaderos de la Reina and next day over the northern mountains

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The Northern 3000m peaks of the Sierra Nevada

An amazing 2 day trek covering the northern 3000m peaks of the Sierra Nevada.

Day 1 Walk to Lavaderos de la Reina: Quite simply the most beautiful wild camping location in the Sierra Nevada. Watched the sun set and then fell asleep to the sound of running water

Looking south towards Alcazaba and Mulhacen Looking south towards Alcazaba and Mulhacen

A bug tent at 2600m, stunning views, running water, with a nice, dehydrated curry meal, cup of coffee and a couple of cereal bars before bed.

The campsite in Lavaderos de la Reina The campsite in Lavaderos de la Reina

Evening sunset over Granada from Lavaderos de la Reina Evening sunset over Granada from Lavaderos de la Reina

Day 2:

Ascent of Picon de Jerez - A start at first light. Then a tough 500m climb over rough scree, achieved in under 2 hours

Traverse the main ridge over 3 other 3000m peaks - easy walking, superb views and light winds with spectacular views

Descent back to car - a tough descent of 1200m into the afternoon heat. Legs feel it a bit (lot!) this morning

Thanks to my amazing and fine spirited companions Kiersten Hartley Rowland, Matt Dowse, Alistair Hunter and Ann Hunter

On the Puntal de Juntillas On the Puntal de Juntillas

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