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After a recent period of inactivity, due to having a pacemaker fitted, it was good to get back out on the warm limestone rock of the Peñon de la Mata and feel the exposure.
The Peñon de la Mata north of Granada has long been one of my favourite scrambling destinations in Spain. I have done a lot of exploring here both on my own and working for Spanish Highs. It is easy access from Granada and from the car park to the main scrambling areas takes under an hour. It really is a superb place to potter about finding new routes.
As I had some beginners with me we started on the northern face and reached the summit where we met up with some "non-scramblers" from our party. Together we descended down the "tourist" route to the col and encircled the peak on a rough but spectacular mountain track. This brought us close to the west ridge, my favourite route up the peak. Running out of time the scramblers did a couple of the lower sections of the route, needing the rope at times to aid safety, before carefully coming down the loose southern face.
All in all, a superb day. It's good to be back.
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