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A few snaps from last Tuesday's hike with the Nomads. Normally at this time of year our route would be impracticable with axe, crampons and snowshoes required. This year is very different and hardly any snow lies below 2800 metre level. We need more and quickly.
Cerrillo Redondo and Tajo de los Machos
Our route started at the Hoya del Portillo (2150m) and ascended through the pine forests to the grand viewpoint of Puerto Molina. Snow capped peaks surrounded us. This is a superb place to view the southern faces of the Sierra Nevada from Tajo de los Machos, to Veleta, to Mulhacen.
The peak of Veleta and Refugio Poqueira (bottom right)
Rather than take to dirt road to Alto de Chorillo, a road I have travelled tens of times over the years, we opted for the hill track over the small peak of Prado Llano. This gives a better alternative with superb views in all directions.
Ascending Prado Llano
After rejoining the dirt track we departed cross country to the left to join the track to the refuge. I am not one for refuges, so letting the others continue, Kiersten and I stayed behind and took shelter from the cold wind in the lee of some rocks, where we drank coffee and sat bathed in warm sunshine.
Lunch stop
After an hour the wind was rising and the cold starting to penetrate our clothing so we made the return journey into the forests to await the return of our friends.
This is a hike I have done many times before, to and from the Refugio Poqueira, it's a good one especially if you try out new ways to achieve it.
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