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There is no room for individuals if you plan to visit wild, untamed mountain wilderness. Every day can have it’s own challenges and difficulties. Teamwork is everything!
In Patagonia, the terrain is tough, rough and the weather can be extreme. When the going gets tough then you need team players and cool heads. And everybody can have an "off day", when the rest of the team need to assist.
I always struggle with the long ascent against the wind to the Paso Marconi. After the initial adrenaline rush of passing through a barrier of hanging seracs, there is a long easy slope to the pass itself and onto the actual Icecap. It is here I struggle as I am usually trail breaking.
On arrival on the Icecap I am inevitably, exhausted. But, there are snow walls to build, tents to erect and food to be cooked. And, this is where your team mates can help out. There will be strong ones and weaker ones. We all have good days and bad and from my experience things tend to even out throughout an expedition.
Tolerance and understanding are key.
Fortunately in 2014 we had a great team with us. Thanks to Chiz and Reu Dakin, Clive Fenn, Mick Mcgregor, Peter Syme, Ian Tupman and of course my partner, Kiersten Rowland.Love this photo.
The sepia colours in the featured image above make us look like Butch, Sundance and the gang at the "Hole in the Wall"!
Isolated and far from help on the Patagonian Icecap
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