Ruta del Saltillo - from Canillas de Aceituno to Sedella

A linear walk with spectacular gorges and pretty white villages. Part of the "Grand Senda de Malaga"

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Very warm hike yesterday, felt like summer was just round the corner! Part of the Grand Senda de Málaga GR149 between the lovely towns of Canillas de Aceituno and Sedella in the Axarquia mountains. It traverses a spectacular gorge including the bridge of Puente de Saltillo. A steep climb out of the gorge before dropping down to Sedella in the hot afternoon sun for a few cold beers. Going to be a grumpy old man now ... only downsides were:

  1. A UK walking group that insisted in stopping right in front of our group having lunch. And, I mean right in front. 1 metre away! Insisted in chatting and blocking our view of the countryside. No idea of mountain etiquette. Ignorant *****

  2. A rather unfriendly bar attendant in Sedella who couldn't see any advantage in having 11 hot and thirsty "guiris" eager to drink copious amounts of his beer. Wouldn't provide shade nor assist with taxis back to start. No food neither, not even a bag of crisps. Restaurante El Chiringuito in Sedella. I'd avoid it if I were you. We all will.

Grump over. Having said all that we had a great walk with some marvellous people in superb scenery. Big welcome back to guest Stewart Thomson

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