The Southern Volcanoes of La Palma

The final hike in La Palma explored the lower volcanoes of the south coast

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A short transfer led to the south west of the island. We started at the Mirador de Charca where we followed the long distance GR130 track through pine forests and alongside vineyards. With constant wonderful views towards the coast we arrived near the village of Fuencaliente, the home of the largest winery of the island.

The excitement built as we started to descend into volcanic territory, walking towards the coast. The good path descended gradually all the way down to the lighthouse. On our the way down we are able to have a look at the crater of the Teneguia volcano (which exploded in 1971) and walked through incredible lava fields that stretched down to the lighthouse. Here, nature is only now starting to get a grip back into the landscape. An experience not to be missed.

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